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Does VitaRW grant proper read access to gro0?

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 4:14 am
by MooMooMan
I've read up about VitaRW and I'm a bit confused, does it unlock everything that can be unlocked? RW in all of the possible partitions, but what about gro0? I've heard that you cannot dump the unencrypted contents of a cartridge without doing some app.db tricks, which haven't worked in 3.60... atleast for me. Does VitaRW fix this or do we need another fix? I'm very interested at looking at the contents of my cartridges!

I do understand that writing to gro0 is probably not possible, except perhaps a small area for save data. I'm only interested in dumping unencrypted files from the cartridge. Hope this clears up any possible confusion.

Re: Does VitaRW grant proper read access to gro0?

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 4:42 am
by PixelButts
gro0: is the game card - which is encrypted by default.

VitaRW is a tool that allows you to have WRITE access to areas that were READ ONLY on the system. gro0: is not a directory you can modify.

The only way to really read the directory is to trick the vita to do so.

Re: Does VitaRW grant proper read access to gro0?

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 4:45 am
by MooMooMan
Do you know of a way to do it? I've tried the trick used on 3.50, but it seems to be patched. Are we SOL here?

Re: Does VitaRW grant proper read access to gro0?

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 10:10 pm